Butalid, Roselyn M. » Research » Scholarly articles

Title Analysis between the parental bonding styles and emotional intelligence of student nurses
Authors Butalid, Roselyn; Estacio, Karen; Gadian, Christer Dan and Sisican, Juneva Ivy
Publication date 2013
Journal Proceedings of The 3rd Annual International Conference Syiah Kuala University (AIC Unsyiah) 2013
Volume Vol. 3
Issue No. 1
Pages 210-216
Publisher jurnal.unsyiah.ac.id
Abstract This study determined if parental bonding styles affect the development of emotional intelligence of student nurses. A descriptive-correlational research design was used. The Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) developed by Parker et.al. (1979) was utilized to determine the bonding styles of the respondents’ parents interpreted as Neglectful Parenting, Affectionless Control, Optimal Parenting and Affectionate Control. The Emotional Intelligence (EI) questionnaire adapted from Weisinger’s EQ test instrument (1998) was also employed to measure the respondents’ EI in terms of self-awareness, selfregulation, motivation, empathy and social skills. To analyze the data gathered, Frequency and Percentage distribution, Chi-Square Test, and Pearson Correlational Coefficient were utilized. Results show that majority of the respondents perceived their fathers to have Affectionless Control parenting which corresponds to high protection and low care and their mothers to have Neglectful Parenting which corresponds to low care and low protection. It was found out that the parental bonding style of the respondents’ fathers has an effect only to their level of motivation and empathy. On the other hand, the parental bonding style of the respondents’ mothers affects the respondents’ EI as to self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills. Despite poor parenting, most of the respondents have moderately high to high level of EI which implies that there could be other factors that may contribute to the development of a student nurse’s EI other than parental bonding style.
Index terms / Keywords parental bonding styles, emotional intelligence, student nurses
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