
Mordeno, Imelu G. » Research » Scholarly articles

Title Examining specific and non-specific symptoms of the best-fitting posttraumatic stress disorder model in conflict-exposed adolescents
Authors Mordeno, Imelu G.; Luzano, Jelli Grace C.
Publication date 2023/10/24
Journal BMC Psychology
Volume 11
Issue 353
Pages 10
Publisher Springer Nature
Abstract Background The 5th revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) construes PTSD symptoms into 4 clusters (intrusion, avoidance, negative alterations in cognitions and mood, alterations in arousal and reactivity; Model 1). However, recent literature has shown that this symptom structure does not best represent PTSD. Unfortunately, the findings of studies investigating the proposed alternative models are from consensus. Adding to the complexity of the issue of symptom-grouping models is the identification of specific and non-specific symptoms of PTSD. The present study aims to address these gaps by identifying the best-fitting PTSD model and subsequently examining what symptoms are considered specific and non-specific to PTSD in adolescent-survivors of armed political conflict and violence. Methods The study utilized a sample of 641 adolescent victim survivors. We conducted CFA analyses and compared nested models through the scaled 脧聡2 difference test, while comparison of non-nested models was done using the Bayesian information criterion (BIC). The best-fitted model was used in the consequent analysis, where we statistically controlled for the effect of non-specific psychological distress on PTSD by comparing the factor loadings and factor correlations before and after accounting for distress using the Aroian z-test. Results The results provide support for the 7-factor hybrid model of PTSD over other proposed models for the current sample. Moreover, the data reveal that only 7 items could be construed as core symptoms, while the rest of the symptoms can be considered non-PTSD specific. Conclusions Overall, the findings provide support for the validity of the hybrid PTSD model among political conflict-exposed adolescents. The results also show that the DSM-5 PTSD has both specific and non-specific features in the present sample of conflict-exposed adolescents. This has potential implications for theory, practice, and treatment of the disorder.
Index terms / Keywords Posttraumatic stress disorder, PTSD-specific symptoms, Non-specific PTSD symptoms, Confirmatory factor analysis, Hybrid model
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