Call for manuscripts! | 28th Iligan National Writers Workshop 2021

Posted on : August 06, 2021

The ğ‘€ğ‘–ğ‘›ğ‘‘ğ‘ğ‘›ğ‘𑜠ğ¶ğ‘Ÿğ‘’ğ‘ğ‘¡ğ‘–ğ‘£ğ‘’ ğ‘Šğ‘Ÿğ‘–ğ‘¡ğ‘’ğ‘Ÿğ‘  ğºğ‘Ÿğ‘œğ‘¢ğ‘ (MCWG), the ğ‘€ğ‘–ğ‘›ğ‘‘ğ‘ğ‘›ğ‘𑜠ğ¶ğ‘Ÿğ‘’ğ‘ğ‘¡ğ‘–ğ‘£ğ‘’ & ğ¶ğ‘¢ğ‘™ğ‘¡ğ‘¢ğ‘Ÿğ‘ğ‘™ ğ‘Šğ‘œğ‘Ÿğ‘˜ğ‘’ğ‘Ÿğ‘  ğºğ‘Ÿğ‘œğ‘¢ğ‘ (MCCWG), the ğ‘€ğ‘†ğ‘ˆ-ğ¼ğ‘™ğ‘–ğ‘”ğ‘ğ‘› ğ¼ğ‘›ğ‘ ğ‘¡ğ‘–ğ‘¡ğ‘¢ğ‘¡ğ‘’ ğ‘œğ‘“ ğ‘‡ğ‘’ğ‘â„ğ‘›ğ‘œğ‘™ğ‘œğ‘”𑦒𑠠ğ¶ğ‘’ğ‘›ğ‘¡ğ‘’ğ‘Ÿ ğ‘“ğ‘œğ‘Ÿ ğ¶ğ‘¢ğ‘™ğ‘¡ğ‘¢ğ‘Ÿğ‘’ & ğ´ğ‘Ÿğ‘¡ğ‘ , the ğ‘ğ‘ğ‘¡ğ‘–ğ‘œğ‘›ğ‘ğ‘™ ğ¶ğ‘œğ‘šğ‘šğ‘–ğ‘ ğ‘ ğ‘–ğ‘œğ‘› ğ‘“ğ‘œğ‘Ÿ ğ¶ğ‘¢ğ‘™ğ‘¡ğ‘¢ğ‘Ÿğ‘’ ğ‘ğ‘›ğ‘‘ ğ´ğ‘Ÿğ‘¡ğ‘  (NCCA) open submissions to the ğŸğŸ–ğ­ğ¡ ğˆğ¥ğ¢ğ ğšğ§ ğğšğ­ğ¢ğ¨ğ§ğšğ¥ ğ–ğ«ğ¢ğ­ğğ«ğ¬ ğ–ğ¨ğ«ğ¤ğ¬ğ¡ğ¨ğ©.
Writing fellows to be accepted:
âœ’ï¸ 4 Senior Fellows – pre-selected and invited by Workshop Director
âœ’ï¸ 2 from Luzon
âœ’ï¸ 3 from Visayas
âœ’ï¸ 6 from Mindanao
âœ’ï¸ 4 from ASEAN
Evaluators of submissions are to be selected from the workshop’s roster of alumni by the Workshop Director.
Evaluation of applicants from the ASEAN region will be evaluated separately by their respective country’s National Writers’ Associations.
All Senior Writing Fellows and ASEAN Writing Fellows will be asked to submit summaries of their creative processes or the poetics of the genres they are submitting to the workshop.
They are expected to present their creative processes of works in progress or their poetics in 20 minutes before the evaluation of their works by selected panelists.
If submitting works in their original languages, these must be accompanied by translations in English only.
âœğŸ½ Poetry – A suite of 5 poems
âœğŸ½ Fiction – Short Fiction of not more than 30 pages
âœğŸ½ Excerpt of Novel with a summary in English
âœğŸ½ Drama – One-Act Play
âœğŸ½ Children’s Literature – not more than 1,000 words per story or print-ready manuscript for book may be submitted
âœğŸ½ Creative Non-Fiction – in English only
The workshop will also be accepting submissions of works in literary forms that defy conventional genres.
All Mindanao languages and their variants or dialects (including the creolized or hybridized, and experimental forms), English, Cebuano, Filipino, Hiligaynon, Waray, Samareno and in any of the ASEAN languages (Siamese, Cambodian, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Melayu, etc.)
All works if written in their original languages should be accompanied by translations in English only.
Applicants who have attended regional workshops, who are students or graduates of Creative Writing courses and professional writers are qualified to apply to the workshop.
Download application form at: .
Send two sets of manuscripts in Word and in PDF, filled out application forms and 2X2 photos in one file to:
The 28th Iligan National Writers Workshop Director
c/o arlem.abanes2003@yahoo.com / arlem.abanes@
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